How to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts Spiritually
Remove negative thoughts with simple 10 steps. If you are like most people, you may have a lot of thoughts in a single day, however, there are times when these thoughts are usually somewhat toxic and negative.
Time is a destructive weapon, now and again it causes you to feel like a ruler and another, kills you profoundly. Your life way relies upon how you cling to yourself. If you feel that these kinds of thoughts start to affect your life, try taking these tips to remove negative thoughts from your mind.
Have you ever experienced an important situation and been very focused. It is essential for you to be able to use your full potential and you are working hard to get what you want.
Then suddenly there are some thoughts that distract you and other negative thoughts that create doubts. You don't need to be an expert to understand that negative thoughts don't help you get the best out of yourself.
Those thoughts just come, without warning and without us voluntarily looking for or creating them. In fact, they come from the unconscious mind and not from the conscious one. We rationally want to remain positive and focused on what we are doing and they come to destroy all our best intentions and go to create those dangerous doubts for those who must act.
Few Question may always have knocked on the door of your mind:-
- How to remove negative thoughts from subconscious mind?
- How to get rid of negative thoughts spiritually?
- How to remove negative thoughts depression?
- How to remove bad thoughts from mind
- How to get rid of negative thoughts anxiety
- How to stop negative thoughts from entering your mind
- Why negative thoughts come in mind?
Where do these thoughts come from and why do they come to mind?
These questions have been the pestering yoga or Meditation for hundreds of years for scholars, psychologists, scientists, neurologists, etc ...
Until a feature of our brain has really been understood: We have a conscious and conscious rational mind and a creative, instinctive and unconscious mind.
This division allows man to manage his life in the best way ever. The conscious mind and the unconscious mind have 2 separate tasks and do not always work in harmony with each other. Sometimes it happens that the conscious mind wants something and the unconscious mind doesn't want it to accomplish its main task.
The main task of the unconscious mind is:
- Get away from dangerous situations and painful situations (physically and emotionally)
- Approaching situations of pleasure (physical and mental)
This task does it great. Every time you experience emotions such as fear, anxiety, worry, frustration, etc your unconscious mind wants to remove you from possible pain. When a negative thought comes to you, it wants to prevent you from suffering.
Unfortunately often due to inconsistencies between our desires, our beliefs, our values and our interpretations, the unconscious and rationality go into conflict and while we are doing something important we get negative thoughts, like alarms that something is going to go wrong.
These negative thoughts do not always represent the reality we are experiencing. Very often they are only the voice of some unfounded and irrational fears. And therefore it is very productive to learn how to eliminate them.
Remove Negative Thoughts in 10 Steps:-
1. Surround yourself with positive people
1.1 How are positive people
It is not enough to be a positive person, it is necessary to surround yourself with people who are also positive to lead you to a life as happy and optimistic as possible.
To surround yourself with positive people, the first step is to learn to identify them, since it is not about people who are simply happy. They are people capable of making their days good, and also those of those around them.
1.2 They improve the way you see life
It is not that they are people who ignore reality and its difficulties. They simply know how to get the positive side out of things and see the positive side of life. And that makes your life more joyful and also the lives of those around you, because they are contagious attitudes, and take you away from everything that is not worth it.
And few things are as pleasant as surrounding yourself with people who make you feel good, which affects both your state of mind and your perspective on yourself and your life.
1.3 They help you achieve your goals
When you see life with optimism, the dreams and goals that you set for yourself are achievable. Optimists are people who don't set limits and help you remove the ones you put on yourself. You will see that the path of these people also sometimes twists and encounters obstacles, but that does not discourage them or prevent them from moving forward since they know how to set their sights on the future and visualize it as possible. His example and his support will help you to feel capable of achieving what you set out to do, assuming your own responsibility for your life.
1.4 They put negativity behind
Positive people do not allow themselves to be contaminated by negative thought situations or attitudes, because their eyes are on the positive aspects of life. That is why they help you to see the good side of things and to relativize those matters that for you suppose something bad or a concern.
They are also willing to always see the best in others (and that includes you), so it improves your perception of yourself and those around you. If you treat others positively, rather than negatively, they will treat you the same.
2. Make positive affirmations
Positive affirmations serve to contradict negative thoughts, it is important to be convinced of these positive affirmations and understand that negative thoughts are not true.
For example, if you started a relationship and find yourself thinking that you don't deserve love, you can say "I am a person who is loved and I will find a good relationship."
Remember that negative thoughts are only unrealistic ideas that appear in your mind and you are in control of it.
3. Write and destroy
If your negative thoughts are related to any feelings like anger, jealousy, or fear, try writing them all down. Use paper and pencil and write all your negative thoughts on the sheet. Since you have written your negative thoughts and feelings, choose a way to destroy that sheet of paper, symbolizing your commitment to move on.
For example, you can burn the leaf, tear it, or make it a ball.
If you are not good at expressing your thoughts or feelings in writing, you can try making a clay sculpture, a painting representing your negativity, then destroy it or transform it into something more beautiful and positive.
4. Remember that everything is temporary
"Everything changes, everything passes": keep this mantra in mind when you experience an unpleasant situation. Too often we fall into the trap of believing that what is negative (or better yet, could happen) is permanent and that the crisis will last forever.
Buddhism teaches us, in general, everything has a beginning and an end and nothing is permanent, why should negative events be? When something goes wrong it is natural to feel sorry. The difficulties of life are like a punch in the stomach, burn and hurt.
For some, the pain disappears quickly, others need more time. Still, others believe that the pain is permanent and it is much more difficult for them to recover. Happy people are not necessarily those who have the best, but those who seek the best in what they have.
The main difference between a pessimist and an optimist is that the former think that things always go wrong and that he will never get what he wants, while the latter knows that sometimes things can go wrong and that it can happen that they don't get it. we want, but it doesn't focus on that.
With good motivation and constant training, optimism can be learned and negative thoughts can be eliminated.
4. Reframe your thoughts
4.1 Photograph your belief
To understand what belief we are dealing with, a particularly effective way is to write it down. Grab a piece of paper and write down the negative thoughts that made your day so grey. You will find yourself surprised at how much more controllable and manageable once black and white. At this point, we have our thoughts in hand and we can do what we want with it. Just like when we were young we shaped the shapes of pongo by destroying and reshaping the ones we didn't like.
4.2 Strike it
Just a few well-settled questions are enough and you can be able to demolish muscular and apparently impregnable beliefs in a few minutes. For this reason, ask specific questions capable of bringing out what we have buried. Here is an example.
"I will never be able to speak English fluently."
We can ask ourselves some questions: "How do I know?", "What prevents me from doing it?", "What would happen if I succeeded?"
It's about honestly answering yourself to really understand what's underneath a negative thought.
4.3 Replace it with a more powerful one
If we do not give our mind content with which to fill that thought, she will fall into the habit of retracing the streets of all time. So why should it be worth engaging in learning English or finding opportunities to practice it if so ...
So we immediately replace our dysfunctional belief with something that can bring us closer to our goals in a more constructive way and better colour our day.
The most appropriate beliefs vary by person. We can make assumptions.
"I can speak English fluently even if I am not a native speaker", "By practising regularly I can improve my spoken English", "By caring about the judgment of others I can become fluent in speaking English", "You can learn to speak a foreign language well regardless of age you have "," I can speak English while having fun ".
Finally, we advise you to write the empowering belief to be put in place of the old negative thought so that you can reread it from time to time until it appears automatically. So you will have a reminder to remind you of the commitment you made to yourself.
5. Develop a positive routine
Focus your routine on doing activities that have peace of mind and make you feel good about yourself, for example, getting up early, exercising, doing yoga or meditating. When you do these types of activities, your outlook on life changes as do your thoughts.
If you get up late and don't have a healthy life, you are more likely to think of negative things because of your quality of life. You can change this.
Don't let your thoughts control you when you control your own thoughts, you control your life.
6. Do Regular Exercise
Regular exercise provides a good recipe to remove negative thought. Exercising and sweating helps you express negative thoughts easily while also producing hormones to make you feel good.
Rise early in the first part of the day and set up your body to perspire. Exercise and sweating cause you to concentrate on your objective better.
You don't have to bounce into complicated exercise at once. Essentially do 30-40min brief exercises at home or in your lawn, here are some examples of types of exercises you can do:
- Go for a walk.
- Dance.
- Play games with family
- Lift weights.
- Do yoga.
- Bicycling.
Yoga conveys the phenomenal capacity to mend your body, soul and mind. In this day and age, we are so worried about other things that we neglected to deal with ourself.
Yoga is gaining popularity all over the world with its beneficial aspect to cure mental exhaustion. Yoga prepares your brain to remove negative thoughts.
Having negative thoughts is not a symptom of a psychological problem, however, therapy can provide alternatives to have a more amplified vision, and less focused on the negative, which contributes to formulating constructive and positive thoughts about ourselves, and about ourselves
7. Create a gratitude list
When you think about what you have and how lucky you are to have life, it is more difficult to complain about your situation, if you are grateful for the little things you will be a positive person.
Negative thoughts can be difficult to handle when you have gratitude for what you have, your outlook on life changes and becomes more positive.
The things you can be thankful for when you're having a negative situation or thought are:
- You can breathe
- You have eyes that can see wonderful things
- You have a place to live
- You have internet access, which means you have access to all the information in the world.
- You have the ability to learn new things.
8. Meditation
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Meditation and yoga |
How to get rid of negative thoughts spiritually?
Meditation is a tool that helps clear your mind, reduce your stress and anxiety. This method focuses on removing thoughts from your mind and focusing on the present moment.
It only takes a few minutes a day to realize the benefits of this practice. If you are constant, the gifts you will receive from this practice are unimaginable.
The ideal is to practice it every day and possibly at the same time so that it becomes a habit.
Start with 4-5 minutes a day and then gradually increase to 20-30 minutes.
Most of us are very busy, in which case it is better to meditate 5 minutes a day and do it regularly rather than an hour every now and then. A good compromise is to do 10 minutes daily and only when you have more time, for example on Sunday, to meditate longer.
Do it possibly in the morning as soon as you wake up when your mind is still not busy with the thousand thoughts of the day. Traditionally, the most effective moments for meditation, even on an energetic level, are the hours closest to sunrise and sunset.
Choose a quiet place, take a comfortable position, sit / or cross-legged or stretched / and close your eyes. Focus on the breath and imagine that with each inhalation joy, peace, serenity, love and positivity enter your body.
With each exhalation, imagine that these feelings also expand outwards, wiping out all your anxieties, tensions, fears, stress, negative thoughts. Do it for a few minutes.
Whenever you get distracted, try to bring your attention back to this process. When you decide to stop meditation, gradually return to your body awareness, and then to the outside world.
Open your eyes slowly and try to bring the tranquillity of meditation with you, in your every word, in your every thought, in your every action, in your every breath.
9. Bring positivity to people's lives
One of the best ways to get negative thoughts out of your mind is to focus on other people and make sure they have a good time and a feeling of support and positivity.
When you bring positivity to other people's lives, you can start to feel optimistic and better. Be kind, help people, give compliments, and want good.
10. Separate the thought from you
You may be having negative thoughts, but it does not mean that they are something real or true, the thoughts appear due to external influences, as well as other people's criticism, expectations and standards.
One way to separate yourself from thought is by giving it a name, in this way you separate yourself from the identity of your thought and free yourself from its influence.
Negative thoughts are a habit, to end this habit you must first make the decision to change the way you perceive negative thoughts.
At the end ask yourself are you able to answer these question now. If yes then you know the secret to conquering your fear, anxiety and negative emotions.
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How to get rid of negative thoughts spiritually?
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Why negative thoughts come in mind?
How to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts Spiritually