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When Will Supergirl Season 3 Episode 8 Show Again


The offset hour of the CW's mega-Crisis on Earth-10 crossover bursts onto our screens with a giddy jolt of energy, and if hour one is this heady, imagine the intensity of the next 3!

The villains for this ballsy event come from a hellscape of dark skies, red lightning, and swastika-bedecked skyscrapers. A black-clad effigy, familiar but masked, is wearing an SS armband when he takes out a grouping of rebels before killing a masked hero who turns out to exist James Olsen/Guardian. Nooo!

Nazi-archer collects some sort of device that volition let them "reign forever." He delivers it, along with a "heil victory" Nazi salute, to an eeeevil scientist, and a flying masked woman with "SS" on her breast gives him one day to examine the device for rebel traps.

Now let'due south bank check in on a better World, shall we? Barry's fighting King Shark in Central Urban center when Iris beeps in to complain about people not RSVPing to their impending nuptials. And only who are these discourteous jerks?

Oliver and Felicity, for ane. He's fighting ninjas in Star Metropolis when Felicity confirms that they plan to attend. Ditto all of the Legends, who are skirmishing in 1183 England when they realize those RSVP cards never got sent.

Kara's non off the claw, either. She and Alex are spending some romantic-misery-loves-company burrow-and-wine time when she decides that Alex is going to be her plus-one for the Due west/Allen wedding.

The adjacent thing we know, Kara's joined Iris, Caitlin, and Felicity for mani/pedis and champagne. (Kara's cuticles, naturally, break the equipment. "Super-stiff nails," Felicity quips.)

Iris, in the tradition of happily coupled people everywhere, asks Felicity if she and Oliver are next to the altar. "Maybe in one case the city's not being attacked and Oliver'south no longer nether indictment and he's spent plenty time with his son who'due south withal mourning the loss of his mother," Felicity replies, looking a little bummed when they all joke that this ways "any 24-hour interval now."

Meanwhile, Barry'south trying on his penguin suit and worrying about his vows. Oliver enters in his own tux, causing Barry (and the viewing audience) to quietly say, "Damn." Oliver assures him that the vows volition come up, and Barry asks Iris' question: When will Oliver and Felicity tie the knot?

Oliver assures Barry that he loves Felicity "soooo much" (trust me, he pronounced those extra o's), merely with everything going on, information technology's not the right time. Withal, Barry'due south pleased that Oliver'south finally learned that being a superhero doesn't exclude loving someone. In fact, it gives yous something to fight for.

Not all of our heroes are then lovey-dovey, though. Stein and Jax are all the same trying to split up Firestorm, and then Cisco, Harry, and Caitlin engineer a serum that'll strip the powers away from both of them. Stein is psyched; Jax is decidedly not.

Stein tinkers with the serum and comes up with a way to finish Firestorm but however leave Jax a superpower: the power of incredible adhesion! Jax isn't impressed at the thought of becoming the Spectacular Mucilaginous Man. The extra time in the lab does permit Stein and Caitlin a chance to talk about Ronnie, and Stein vows that once he's united nations-Firestormed, he'll be a better hubby, father, and grandpa. Wow, practise I hope that's just conversation and not ominous foreshadowing.

The rehearsal dinner, which is held at Jitters (awwww!) is lovely. Everybody hugs, clinks champagne glasses, and, in the case of Mick, hits the buffet difficult. He also asks Caitlin if he ever kidnapped her, and she recommends he not try it again. Ha!

Over shots of booze, Alex tells Sara about the end of her engagement, and they toast to how awful it is to be at the rehearsal dinner for the earth's nigh perfect couple. I…think we all run across where this is headed. And yep, shortly, they're outside kissing.

Barry finds Kara looking down on the proceedings from the second story. She briefly explains the Mon-El situation (exiled to space, lost in time, returned married) and says it's her ain fault for trying to live as something other than Supergirl. She's different than Barry and Oliver, who tin can let love into their lives; she'south an alien, and she's lonely. Sensing defeat, Barry backs off of this topic and, in light of their musical adventures final flavour, asks if Kara will lend her talents to the ceremony the next twenty-four hour period. She agrees.

And then Joe delivers a toast commending the grace, trust, and love Barry and Iris have shown during their recent challenges. "Thanks for showing me how to love again," he says, raising a glass to his children.

Inspired, Oliver suggests that he and Felicity do something forth these lines: friends, family, crab cakes, toasts. And he doesn't just mean a rehearsal dinner; he wants the hymeneals, too. Although he doesn't go down on one knee because he'south sore from the ninja fight, he proposes beautifully to the dearest of his life.

The, uh, love of his life who says no. Felicity says she doesn't demand a piece of newspaper to make things legal and suggests they discuss it some other time. Oliver replies, "I'm actually physically incapable of talking virtually anything else right at present." Flustered Oliver Queen is the all-time Oliver Queen. The conversation ends with her yelling, "Oliver, I don't desire to marry yous!" Girl, I am always on your side, but OUCH. Presumably this is all tied up with the baggage surrounding their broken engagement and not-wedding, but it still hurts my heart. Thankfully, they've got a few more than crossover episodes to sort this all out.

It's at present the forenoon of the wedding! Our heroes wake upwardly in diverse moods. Barry tenderly watches a sleeping Iris, Oliver and Felicity sulk on separate couches, Jax is scowly, Mick parades in a bathrobe, Kara floats in her sleeping handbag (cooool), and Alex and her shockingly united nations-smudged makeup wake up next to Sara. Her try at a sneaky exit is neither quiet nor graceful.

A hungover Alex slinks upwardly to Kara outside the church, and then Sara breezes by and casually mentions their night activities. Kara's tickled at her sis'due south one-night stand up, reminding Alex that she'south a single lady at present. Alex is open to this thought, although she's taken aback to learn that Sara'southward an assassin.

Inside the church, Mick states that he should sit on the helpmate's side since he tried to kill the groom so many times, and at present I want Mick to attend every possible wedding henceforth. (Next: Fourth dimension to dial some Nazis)

The ceremony gets underway when Kara steps to the front end to sing as Iris and Joe come down the alley. Barry's eyes polish with tears — and this is before Joe whispers that he wishes Barry's parents were there. "They are," Barry replies. Take a 2d to dab your tears, and as you're composing yourself, I'll remind you lot that Kara sang "Running Domicile to You," which was Barry'southward song to Iris during the musical crossover. Evidence continuity, FTW!

The minister steps upwardly to begin the ceremony, just when he reaches the "speak now" portion, he'southward swiftly vaporized. So long, William Katt, a.k.a. Ralph Hinkley from The Greatest American Hero. That was a heck of a cameo.

The fatal blast was courtesy of Nazi-girl, who growls, "Peace is overrated." Yeah, the church has been overrun with Nazi troops, who open fire on the crowd.

Barry and Wally speed around to catch bullets, Firestorm appears, Kara whips off her glasses, Cisco encourages Caitlin to channel her frosty roommate, Mick grabs his heat gun, and Sara and Alex both rip slits into their long skirts for maximum freedom of movement. In short, you picked the wrong church building, Nazi chumps!

Thankfully, Oliver brought along his hymeneals bow and is able to deflect a Nazi arrow headed toward Harrison, who's evacuating the humans. Then he has Cisco breach him up to the balcony to appoint the Nazi-archer upstairs.

Nazi-Prometheus arrives on the scene, complete with that ominous cascading theme song that I so loved final season. Sara and Alex team up to take him down, exchanging high fives when they do. Meanwhile, Supergirl's taken to the heaven to fight the masked woman. They're evenly matched (what a shock!), and Supergirl gets knocked through the exterior of the church to crumple on the floor.

But she's able to deliver a super clap that stuns Nazi-girl, assuasive Kara to punch her in the stomach. Nazi-daughter falls, cradling her abdomen, and the Nazi archer immediately leaps over the railing to swoop her up, shouting for his troops to fall back. (Gee, I wonder why Nazi-archer'due south so eager to protect Nazi-girl?) "Best wedding ever," Mick crows.

At Southward.T.A.R. Labs, Barry promises Iris that he is going to marry her, while effectually them, Cisco'southward down with a concussion, Stein marvels over Caitlin'southward frosty dual nature, Sara and Jax march Nazi-Prometheus into a cell, and Mick announces that he successfully memory wiped all the hymeneals guests, then everybody's hush-hush identities are safe.

Kara didn't come across any sign of the enemy when she surveilled the metropolis, and they wonder where these particular Nazis came from. ("Apparently they don't know most the Yalta Briefing," Stein says — although to be fair, neither does Mick.) They worry nigh the ethnic cleansing, world domination, and "Make America Aryan again" (not that it ever was!) that could follow.

Then our heroes start marveling that the archer matched Oliver shot for shot, and Kara's opponent was her verbal equal. Oh, bless your sweet faces, all of you. Even as an alt-Earth Nazi, tin't they recognize Kara'southward fabulous hair from a mile away?

On a rooftop elsewhere in the city, Nazi-archer and Nazi-daughter are joined by Nazi-Reverse Flash, who takes off his mask to reveal Harrison Wells (or Eobard Thawne in Harry's trunk?). He yells at the duo for attacking before they were ready, only Nazi-archer argues that the nuptials was likewise proficient to decline. Then the pair remove their masks to reveal the faces of Oliver Queen and Kara Danvers. Nazi-Kara vows that they'll have another chance to achieve victory, and when they do, they'll impale every terminal one of our heroes.

Snaps of the cape:

  • This outset hr was such a boom! The show did an astonishing chore of blending the story lines and characters from four different shows and letting our favorites interact. And male child hullo, did the names in those opening credits go along going and going and going…
  • Meta moment of the dark: Kara KOs a Dominator in the showtime minutes of the episode and declares, "These guys are and then last year."
  • Gotta acknowledge, evil looks good on Melissa Benoist, although the "SS" hurts to look at. Too, I'm dying to know who's under the Prometheus mask, every bit the showrunners have broken my heart past announcing that Josh Segarra isn't back for the crossover.
  • We all agree that the starry-eyed server pushing the sparkling water and exclaiming virtually how happy she is to be at this detail wedding is totally Barry and Iris' daughter from the future, yeah?
  • I'g on the fence well-nigh Alex and Sara hooking up. Alex's story line every bit a single adult female could exist as compelling and sensitively told as her coming out and her first dearest were, but this felt rushed after the devastation of the Sanvers breakup. All the same, who among usa hasn't had, considered, or witnessed a drunken rebound hookup or two?
  • Okay, let's discuss the Nazis in the room. Sure, information technology makes for a straightforward "expert versus evil" storyline, only in this, the Year of Our Lord 2017, Nazis are a little less…hypothetical than we might like. Information technology takes a bit of the fun escapism out of it for me — just but a fleck, honestly, because this episode overall was a gas. What say yous, Pointer-verse fans? Are you on board for more episodes of Nazi punching, or would you like to go along the Third Reich out of your superhero escapism?
  • Head hither for our recap of "Crunch on Earth-X, Part ii."

Episode Recaps



Kara (Melissa Benoist) steps out from her super-cousin'due south shadow to become Supergirl and defend National City in the third Arrowverse show.

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  • Sarah Adler
  • Andrew Kreisberg
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