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Can You Use Cornstarch in Place of Baby Powder

Changing your baby's diaper is a mundane task that is occasionally speckled with the unpleasant surprise of finding a diaper rash.  As a new parent, y'all may feel conflicted most which products are all-time to use in social club to treat and preclude recurrent diaper rashes. Further, in that location is a lot of conflicting information about the apply of traditional baby powder equally it relates to a baby's long-term health.

Infant pulverization is traditionally made from talcum powder, but the term includes all powders that are used to treat a baby'southward diaper rash. Cornstarch, a common food ingredient, is often used every bit a substitute for talcum powder considering it is safer and natural while still effectively treating diaper rash.

The answer to whether or non you should choose corn starch or baby pulverization, or utilize a combination of both on your child is not a simple one. In this article, we volition explore the pros and cons of each type of diaper surface area treatment. You will demand to read on in lodge to gain a full understanding of which option is best for your infant.

Cornstarch baby powder vs regular babe powder

I vividly remember one weekend when all three of my immature children caught a terrible stomach virus. In turn, my daughter developed an atrocious diaper rash and she would scream and scream in pain. None of the creams or powders I was using were helping. And so, I finally broke down and sprinkled some pure cornstarch direct on the rash. She instantly began to feel improve. Subsequently this incident, I became extremely interested in looking into baby powders that are made of corn starch and why they may exist constructive in some cases over traditional baby powder formulas.

Talcum powder is fabricated from talc which is itself made upwardly of the minerals magnesium, oxygen, and silicon. It is a fantastic moisture cushion and can also assist reduce friction when pare rubs against itself. Both of these backdrop piece of work well for reducing the symptoms of diaper rash. Traditional baby pulverisation that yous would find in the stores for many decades would include talcum powder every bit the main active ingredient along with other additives that prevented clumping and other issues.

Cornstarch, meanwhile, is just the starch extracted from the kernel of the corn plant and has similar absorbent and anti-friction properties to talcum powder. While information technology is most ordinarily used in food preparation, it has increasingly plant its way into commercial babe powders and diaper rash remedies.

Is regular baby powder condom?

There accept been over vi,000 lawsuits brought against the company Johnson & Johnson for selling a babe powder that may have been linked to the development of ovarian cancer in adulthood. According to the American Cancer Society, a baby powder that is made from talc may have a mildly increased adventure of causing ovarian cancer in machismo.

While that statistic is alarming, the biggest controversy actually stems from other additives mixed in baby powders. In years past, baby powder made from talc likewise independent an amount of Asbestos. Asbestos is a substance that has been directly linked to cause cancer and baby pulverisation is no longer made with this substance in it. So, recent studies are conflicted on whether or not regular infant powder is actually linked to an increased hazard in cancer.

For the nigh part, research shows that there is no definitive link betwixt the utilise of talc powder and ovarian cancer. Many people continue to use regular baby pulverization on their babies to reduce the furnishings of diaper rash, or to prevent diaper rash from occurring.

Still, with cornstarch offering shut to the aforementioned level of performance, there is really no reason in my mind not to go with the natural arroyo.

Are any baby powders made of cornstarch?


Many companies have started adding or substituting cornstarch into their formulas in contempo years. Johnson and Johnson, for example, at present make a cornstarch infant powder for parents who are skeptical of using regular babe powder on their children. This baby powder is infused with vitamin E and Aloe Vera to maximize its healing properties and is free of parabens, phthalates, dyes, and harsh fragrances. Since it is from a huge brand, it's also even so very affordable. You can find it right here (along with reviews about its effectiveness).

If y'all are looking for a make other than Johnson'southward, so I highly recommend this talc-gratuitous baby powder from Era Organics. They use a mixture of arrowroot powder, cornstarch, kaolin clay, calendula excerpt, and rosemary excerpt to provide a completely non-toxic and 100% natural alternative to talcum-based powders. It is designed to keep skin soft and help remove backlog moisture. On top of that, they offer a 60-day guarantee on all of their products if you lot don't Love it!

How do yous make your own baby powder with cornstarch?

If you are more of the DIY type, or you just don't accept fourth dimension to wait, making your own baby pulverization with cornstarch is like shooting fish in a barrel and can be done in less than five minutes of your time. This is an added bonus for any busy parent in the modern world.

The recipe:

  • ¼ Cup Cornstarch
  • ¼ Loving cup Blistering Soda
  • 2 Drops of Essential Oil for Aroma (optional)

Simply place all of the ingredients in a bowl and stir until well mixed. The essential oils are added for scent, but tin can also be selected carefully for added benefits. For case, you may cull to add lavender to a dark babe powder mixture in order to assist your children fall asleep at bedtime.

Mountain Rose Herbs as well has a great resource all nearly making your ain baby pulverization with awesome ingredients bachelor besides!

Most people choose to store their bootleg baby pulverization in a simple stonemason jar. These are a great, dry place to store powders to keep humidity from getting to the powder and allowing it to clump up.

Is it condom to employ cornstarch instead of babe pulverization?

Cornstarch has been used for a long time as a abode remedy for diaper rash. However, many people question the safe of cornstarch over baby powders made with talcum powder. In general, both types of babe powder are equally as problematic when used on young babies and children.

In all cases, special care should be taken not to let the powder spread too much into the air where your child tin exhale it in. Simply sprinkle a little in the diaper area and so immediately cover the expanse with the fresh diaper. The main business organisation involving cornstarch is that is can crusade respiratory problems according to the Academy of American Pediatrics. This is especially truthful for children who are already contesting issues with respiratory distress, or children who are born prematurely.

Is it safety to put cornstarch on diaper rash?

In general, cornstarch is regarded equally prophylactic for use on the common diaper rash. In fact, in my experience, cornstarch is one of the fastest methods for treating regular diaper rash, and can even relieve hurting and discomfort acquired by diaper rash extremely quickly.

However, in the case that the diaper rash is caused by yeast, then cornstarch is not going to exist an effective method for treating the rash. You will normally need to run across a doc to definitively exist diagnosed with a yeast infection over a regular run-of-the-mill diaper rash.

When using cornstarch on an infant, be sure to limit it to the cornstarch to the surface area of the diaper. Cornstarch should be kept away from an babe's face up to avoid respiratory issues that may be associated with inhaling the substance into the lungs. As long as you lot can keep cornstarch away from the mouth and nose, at that place are no existent issues noted with the use of cornstarch on young children to care for diaper rash.

Does cornstarch crusade yeast infections?

Cornstarch pulverization does non crusade yeast infections. However, if you try to use cornstarch powder to treat a yeast infection or a yeast rash, and then you volition likely make the rash much worse than it was when you first started treating it. In fact, this is the first sign that yous may be dealing with a yeast rash rather than a regular diaper rash.

Cornstarch makes yeast infections worse because the yeast volition feed on the cornstarch. In my feel, yeast is best treated with the aid of a doctor or pediatrician. Pediatricians tin call in powders and creams that can quickly and effectively treat the infection without the use of cornstarch or talcum powder.

Other cornstarch baby pulverisation uses

Cornstarch baby pulverisation has a ton of less mutual uses that can make your life a lot easier and help you lot save money in some cases! Some of these are applied for mammas fifty-fifty though they do not direct relate to your children.

  • Take an event with sand-covered children after visiting the embankment or the sandbox? Using baby powder can dry out excess moisture up causing the sand to autumn right off of your children.
  • If you live in an extremely humid climate, then you may consider sprinkling cornstarch baby pulverisation between your sheets to remove moisture before going to bed.
  • Do you accept a pet? Cornstarch baby powder tin be used equally a type of dry out shampoo for your pet when you do non have fourth dimension for a regular bath. Sprinkle some cornstarch pulverization into your pet's hair to absorb clay and oil and then give them a good brushing. They will look similar they have but had a fresh bath!
  • Similarly, cornstarch baby powder can exist sprinkled onto a child or developed scalp to act equally a type of dry shampoo when there is no fourth dimension to wash and dry hair.
  • Have you ever idea you may accept to throw your children'due south clothes into the donate pile because they got a large grease stain on them? Before throwing them out, try vigorously rubbing some cornstarch baby pulverisation onto the grease spot. Often, you can remove a grease spot by using this practice followed by a good washing in the washing motorcar. This can save parents a tremendous amount of money.
  • If your children to have evil-smelling shoes, you can sprinkle a little of their cornstarch infant powder into the shoe to remove the sweat odor. Further, giving their shoe a sprinkle before putting the shoe on can reduce the likelihood that the feet will sweat causing the smell to return.

Cornstarch baby pulverisation has an abundance of uses that exceed beyond simply treating a diaper rash. If you decide to purchase a bottle of cornstarch baby powder, you lot can utilise it in a variety of ways!

Can You Use Cornstarch in Place of Baby Powder
