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Maplestory 2 How to Reset Dungeon to Run Again


After creating a new character, you lot volition be prompted to select your basic control settings. You lot can choose between "Basic Fundamental Setting," the default MapleStory layout (all hotkeys mentioned in this guide volition be based on these settings) or "Secondary Key Setting".

If the button layout is not to your liking, yous can conform the hotkeys via the Keyboard Setting window (Hotkey: \). In addition, you tin can reset your keys and modify between Basic and Secondary Key Settings by selecting the "DEFAULT" button in the Keyboard Setting window.


Your current level, HP, MP and EXP can be found at the bottom of the screen while in-game. A more detailed expect at your grapheme can be found in the Character Stat window (Hotkey: S).


Greenbacks Shop Push button: This will take you directly to the Cash Shop where yous can purchase many useful items. (Run into the Cash Store section for more details.)

Event Push: This will allow you lot to open the in-game Effect List, and see what events are currently running and what rewards yous tin can go.

Character Button: This will show you a listing of selectable menus. From here you tin view your Character Info, check your Stats, open your Skill Volume, and view your Equipment and Inventory.

Community Button: This will testify y'all a listing of selectable menus. From here you can view your Friends Listing, discover a Party, access Guilds, and open Maple Conversation.

Settings Button: This will show you lot a list of selectable menus. You tin change channels, access the game Options, adjust your Fundamental Bindings or Joypad Settings, or Quit Game.

Menu Push button: This will show you a listing of selectable menus. Admission your Quest Log, view the Medals yous've collected, check your Monster Drove, visit the Auction House or Farm, view your Battle Statistics, and check your Line-fishing stats. You can besides check the Assistance Guide and Report a thespian.


The icons on the lesser correct of your screen show you the skills and other abilities currently assigned to your hotkeys.

PLAYER Conversation

One of the biggest parts of being a Mapler is advice, so it's important to learn the ropes of the Conversation window (Hotkey: Enter). After using the hotkey, the Chat window will appear on the bottom left of the screen. The Chat window can be expanded or minimized by clicking the '+' and '-' buttons next to it. The Chat window can also be expanded vertically and horizontally by clicking the top or side of the window and dragging information technology to your preferred size.

The default chat option is set "TO ALL", which broadcasts your letters to all players within the map you're currently on. You will exist able to modify to different chat options such as Party, Guild, Spouse and more than by clicking on the box to the left of the chat window's text field. If you want to send a private message to another player, simply type "/whisper" followed by the role player's name (Hotkey: H).


You can move left and right with the arrow keys and bound with the Alt key.

When standing near a ladder or rope, printing the upward arrow key to climb it. One time on the ladder or rope, use the down pointer key to climb back downwardly.

Every character in the game comes with skills that assist them in traversing terrain, including everything from double jumps to teleports. Get around faster by taking advantage of these unique abilities.

GETTING Effectually MAPLE Globe

Some parts of the UI are designed to help you traverse Maple World more than easily. Many towns have a fast travel option in their mini maps. You tin likewise open the world map (Hotkey: W). A marker volition designate which region you are in, and you can mouse over other spots in the map to see what Non-Player Characters (NPCs) and monsters are at that place.

Certain NPCs tin also help you travel around Maple World. Some towns have taxi drivers who can whisk you off immediately to other locations. The Dimensional Mirror, located in all towns, allows y'all to motion directly to special areas similar the Event Hall and Party Quest lobby.


The worlds of MapleStory are bustling with a large population of NPCs, including shopkeepers, quest givers and chore trainers. To interact with them, only left click them or press the space cardinal while standing nearby.


To perform a basic attack, press the attack key (Hotkey: Ctrl). As you level up, you volition learn far more powerful skills, which can be assigned to bachelor hotkeys. You tin can view your bachelor skills by opening the Skill Inventory window (Hotkey: K). Next, open up the keyboard setting window (Hotkey: \). Then left click on your desired skill and elevate it to your desired key.

Different assault skills take different strengths: some can focus on a single powerful target while others bargain splash harm to multiple enemies. Enemies and bosses accept life bars displayed to a higher place them showing their current HP. Deplete information technology to merits victory.


Defeated monsters frequently drop items and mesos (in-game currency). To pick them, up simply walk over the dropped item and printing the pick-up fundamental (Hotkey: Z).

Maplestory 2 How to Reset Dungeon to Run Again
