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What Should a 6 Week Old Baby Be Doing

How your infant's growing

Always since she was born, your babe has been growing more than and more attached to you and your partner. By now, she may brand it obvious that you're her favourite people, by cooing and kicking with pleasance when she sees yous. And the more yous cuddle, tickle, and play with her, the greater your gamble of seeing her first real smile soon.

Your babe's also becoming more sensitive to her surroundings. For example, you may notice her responding to sudden noises, such equally the doorbell. She may jump, cry or even get quiet, equally she tries to empathise this surprising new awareness.

It's likely that your babe's favourite sounds will be the voices of you and your partner. Make the near of every opportunity to talk, read, sing or make noises at her, which she'll dearest.

Fifty-fifty if your infant doesn't understand what you're talking about, letting her hear your phonation is a dandy foundation for learning to talk subsequently on. Information technology doesn't matter what words you use. You could point out objects around the room and describe their colours and shapes, give a running commentary of what you're doing, or talk about family unit and friends.

Cheque out the BabyCentre podcast!

The Parent Pod is BabyCentre'south brilliantly entertaining and informative podcast series. Join hosts Claire and Lucy as they walk your exciting journey with you each week from early pregnancy until your infant is 12 weeks onetime. Subscribe now on the usual channels. Learn more

Your life: your postnatal check

At some point in the next few weeks, your GP should offer y'all a postnatal check-up, to brand sure that you and your baby are doing well. If you accept whatever questions or concerns, or if you lot're having whatever trouble coping, your postnatal check is a great time to bring information technology up.

Many new mums feel overwhelmed, especially if they're dealing with colic or suffering from postnatal depression (PND). Your GP will have seen it all before, and she's non in that location to gauge you. She'll simply offering extra help and support. Of course, you can besides telephone call your wellness visitor at any time.

Your GP may offering y'all a physical examination to brand sure you lot're healing well. You can also talk to her virtually diet, to make sure you lot're not depression in atomic number 26. She'll probably also mention contraception, and help you work out which is the all-time method for you.

If y'all're feeling set to have sex again, it may exist worth trying it before your postnatal check. That way, if you experience any discomfort, yous'll be able to bring information technology upwards while yous're at the surgery. But there's no need to rush it. Go on upwards with your pelvic flooring exercises, as these tin can help to make sex more than satisfying when yous're ready to try information technology again.

Conversation about sexual activity and romance after a babe with close friends who've been at that place, or in our friendly BabyCentre community. And exist sure to always keep communicating with your partner as you explore your changing relationship as new parents.

Every time I walk into my GP's surgery, I forget everything I wanted to enquire almost! I've started keeping a running list of questions as they crop up, so I can make sure I don't miss anything out when I practise have an appointment.

- Georgina

Is my infant sleeping too much?

Young babies are real sleepyheads. Watch this video to find out what is a normal sleeping pattern for your petty ane.More baby sleep videos

What you need to know this week

  • Information technology can be frustrating if your babe sleeps more during the day than at dark. These sleep strategies may assistance to turn things around. In the meantime, experiment with our 10 ways to get more sleep yourself.
  • Postal service-baby bodies come in all shapes and sizes. See our ten surprising facts about your trunk in the fourth trimester and bank check out our slideshow of mum bellies to reassure yourself that your recovery is normal.
  • If you're formula-feeding or mixing breast and bottle, your periods could start once more soon. Information technology'southward possible to conceive 2 weeks before your period starts, so you may want to start thinking about contraception now.
  • If you lot're exclusively breastfeeding on demand, y'all're less probable to conceive while your baby is under six months old. But if you want to be totally safety, at that place are contraceptives you tin use while breastfeeding.
  • Featured video: through the eyes of a child: your newborn to six month old.

Let's play

You don't need a pile of baby toys to accept fun with your footling one. Explore ii games that won't cost you lot a penny, and will requite your babe plenty of amusement.

FAQs at half dozen weeks

  • Which is meliorate – dummy or thumb?
  • What are the dos and don'ts of swaddling?
  • Is it safety to eat spicy food when breastfeeding?
  • What colour should my breastfed baby's poo exist?

Polly Logan-Banks

Polly Logan-Banks is an experienced editor with a dandy interest in producing evidence-based content. Polly is passionate almost ensuring that every child gets the all-time start in life.

What Should a 6 Week Old Baby Be Doing
